
H. Eugene Farlough-加州 椅子 in African-American Christianity, Graduate School of Theology
Professor, 宗教研究, College of Arts & 科学



  • 比赛 & 少数民族问题
  • 社会科学
  • 美国的宗教
  • African 美国宗教史
  • 教会历史
  • 新兴宗教运动
  • 宗教 in the American West
  • AME教会历史


B.A., 宗教研究, Occidental College, 1993

M.A, 宗教研究, University of 北卡罗莱纳 at 教堂山分校, 1996

Ph.D., 宗教研究, University of 北卡罗莱纳 at 教堂山分校, 2003
Dissertation: “Around the Domestic Altar: Domesticity in the African Methodist Episcopal Church, 1865-1900.”




P: 909.748.8678
E: julius_bailey@雷德兰兹.edu

满足博士. 贝利

Dr. 朱利叶斯·H. 贝利 is a Professor of 宗教研究 at the 威尼斯人平台. 他得了B.A. in 宗教研究 from Occidental College and a M.A. 和Ph值.D. in 宗教研究 from the University of 北卡罗莱纳 at 教堂山分校. He teaches courses on varied aspects of religion. 他写了三本书, Down in the Valley: An Introduction to African 美国宗教史 (Fortress Press, 2016), 比赛 Patriotism: Protest and Print Culture in the African Methodist Episcopal Church (University of Tennessee Press, 2012), and Around the Family Altar: Domesticity in the African Methodist Episcopal Church, 1865-1900 (University Press of Florida, 2005) as well as several articles, 书的章节, 还有百科全书的条目. He has also given lectures on African mythology entitled, “The Great Mythologies of the World: Africa,” produced by the Great Courses DVD series.









Professor, 宗教研究 Dept., 威尼斯人平台, 2013 – to Present
Associate Professor, 宗教研究 Dept., 威尼斯人平台, 2007 – 2013
Assistant Professor, 宗教研究 Dept., 威尼斯人平台, 2001-2007
Instructor, 宗教研究 Dept., Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio, 2000-2001



Down in the Valley: An Introduction to African 美国宗教史 (Fortress Press, 2016)

比赛 Patriotism: Protest and Print Culture in the African Methodist Episcopal Church 
(University of Tennessee Press, 2012) 

Around the Family Altar: Domesticity in the African Methodist Episcopal Church, 1865-1900 (University Press of Florida, 2005)


“Sacred Not Secret: Esoteric Knowledge in the United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors,” in Esotericism in African American Religious 经验: “There is a Mystery” (Brill, 2014)

“‘Cult’ Knowledge: The Challenges of Studying 新兴宗教运动 in America,” in Doing Recent History: On Privacy, 版权, 视频游戏, 院校检讨委员会, 激进的奖学金, 以及会回嘴的历史 
(University of 乔治亚州 Press, 2012)

“Masculinizing the Pulpit: Images of the Black Preacher in Nineteenth-Century America,《威尼斯人平台》, 牧师, 反政府武装, 男性:美国黑人男子气概. S. History and Literature, 1820-1945 (Ohio State University Press, 2011)

“Classifying the ‘Great World 宗教s’: The Legacy of Darwinism in the Study of African Traditional 宗教s,” in 150 Years of Evolution: Darwin’s Impact on the Humanities and 社会科学s (圣地亚哥 State University Press, 2011)

“Fearing Hate: Re-Examining the Media Coverage of the Christian 身份 Movement,” Journal for the Study of Radicalism v 4, n 1 (Spring 2010): 55-73

“‘That Hardy 比赛 of Pioneers’: Constructions of 比赛 and Masculinity in AME Church Histories, 1865-1900,” Council of the Societies for the Study of 宗教 Bulletin v 36, n 1(2007年2月):7-10 

《威尼斯人平台》, 身份, and the Media in the Rise and Fall of the United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors,” Journal of the American Academy of 宗教
v 74, n 2 (June 2006): 302-323


“Eric B. & Rakim,” Encyclopedia of Muslim-American History (Facts on File, 2010)

“Father Divine,” Encyclopedia of African American History (ABC-CLIO, 2010)

“天堂的大门,” American Countercultures: An Encyclopedia of Nonconformists, 选择生活方式, 和美国的激进思想.S. 历史(M.E. 夏普,2008)

“Rebecca Steward,” African American National Biography (Oxford University Press, 2008)

“祖先崇拜,” “African Methodist Episcopal Church,” Africa and the Americas: Culture, 政治, 和历史(ABC-CLIO, 2008)

“African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church,” Encyclopedia of Slave Resistance and Rebellion, 1(格林伍德出版社), 2007)

“本杰明T. 坦纳,“西奥菲勒斯·古尔德·斯图尔德。,”“亨利·麦克尼尔·特纳,” The Greenwood Encyclopedia of African American Literature (Greenwood Press, 2005)
“Pastor’s Wife,” Encyclopedia of Fundamentalism (Routledge, 2001)

“妇女传教会”, African Methodist Episcopal Church,” “Black Methodists for Church Renewal,” “National Conference of Black Churchmen,” “Fraternal Council of Negro Churches,” Organizing Black America: An Encyclopedia of African American Associations (Routledge, 2001)

“New Faiths to 北卡罗莱纳: Islam,” Tar Heel Junior Historian (Spring 1998)


回顾西尔维斯特A. 约翰逊, 非裔美国人宗教, 1500 - 2000:殖民主义, 民主, and Freedom (Cambridge University Press, 2015), The American Historical Review 121(4) 1300-1301 (2016)

小加尔文·怀特书评., The Rise of Respectability: 比赛, 宗教, and the Church of God in Christ (University of Arkansas Press, 2012), The Journal of Southern History (February 2014)

苏珊·帕尔默述评, The Nuwaubian Nation: Black Spirituality and State Control (Ashgate, 2010) Nova Religio: The Journal of Alternative and Emergent 宗教s 16(4) 152-154 (2013)

J综述. Gordon Melton, A Will to Choose: The Origins of African American Methodism (Rowman & Littlefield, 2007) Journal of American 历史(March 2008)

卡洛琳·M. Jones and Theodore Louis Trost, eds., Teaching 非裔美国人宗教 (Oxford University Press, 2005), Teaching Theology and 宗教 v 11, 第1期(2008)60-61.

Review of Sally Gregory McMillen’s To Raise Up the South: Sunday Schools in Black and White Churches, 1865-1915 (路易斯安那州 State University Press, 2002) AME Church Review (2003)

保罗·哈维述评, Redeeming the South: Religious Cultures and Racial Identities among Southern Baptists, 1865-1925 (University of 北卡罗莱纳 Press, 1997) Koinonia(1998秋季)


The Louisville Institute Sabbatical Grant for Researchers, 2014-2015

American Academy of 宗教 Individual Research Grant, 2013

Banta Center for Business Ethics and Society Research Grant, 2013

Proposal Writing Faculty Fellow, 2013

Dan and Sandra Bane Fellow, Huntington 图书馆, 2011

John Topham and Susan Redd Butler Faculty Research Award 
(Charles Redd Center for Western Studies), 2011

LENS奖学金(G).I.S/Spatial Learning), 2011

The Louisville Institute Summer Stipend, 2009

威尼斯人平台 Summer Faculty Research Grant, 2009

Banta Center for Business Ethics and Society Research Grant, 2008

American Academy of 宗教 Individual Research Grant, 2007

威尼斯人平台 Summer Faculty Research Grant, 2007

威尼斯人平台 Faculty Award for Outstanding Research, 2006

Young Scholars in American 宗教 Program, Center for the Study of 宗教 and American Culture, IUPUI, 2005-2006

Wabash Center For Teaching and Learning in Theology and 宗教, Summer Fellowship, 2006

Wabash Center Workshop on Teaching and Learning for Pre-Tenure Faculty at Colleges and Universities, 2005-2006

NEH Summer Seminar: “Roots: African Dimensions of the Early History and Cultures of the Americas,弗吉尼亚大学, 2005

威尼斯人平台 Summer Faculty Research Grant, 2005

Kenyon College Dissertation Fellowship, 2000-2001

University of 北卡罗莱纳 坦纳 Teaching Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, 1999

Graduate Student Merit Fellowship, 研究生院, The University of 北卡罗莱纳 at 教堂山分校, 1994-1997


“Competing for 加州: Contested Religious Space Among Nineteenth-Century Black Churches,2017年11月, 西方历史协会, 圣地亚哥, CA

“Sacralizing the Land: The Nineteenth-Century Expansion of the AME Church in the American West,2016年11月, American Academy of 宗教, 圣安东尼奥, 德州

“Nineteenth-Century Black Print Culture and the American Bible Society,2016年11月, American Academy of 宗教, 圣安东尼奥, 德州

“公众舆论, 社会问题, and the African American Religious Press,2014年11月, Johannes-Gutenberg University, 美因茨, 德国

“Sacred Not Secret: Esoteric Knowledge in the United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors,2014年11月, American Academy of 宗教, 圣地亚哥, CA

“一夫多妻或其他什么, One Wife or Forty: Ambivalent Attitudes Toward Mormonism in Nineteenth-Century AME Church Print Culture,2013年11月, American Academy of 宗教, 巴尔的摩, 马里兰

“Historical Narrative in the AME Church,” April 2012, Loma Linda University, 

“Writing the Scholarship of Teaching” (workshop), 2011年11月, American Academy of 宗教, 旧金山, CA

“Confronting Confusion: The Perils and Prospects of New Assignments,2010年11月, American Academy of 宗教 Annual Meeting, 亚特兰大, 乔治亚州

“Should ‘African’ Remain in Our Title?: Responses to Darwinism in the Nineteenth-Century AME Church,2010年1月, American Society of 教会历史, 圣地亚哥,加利福尼亚

“Defending the Faith from Darwin: Evolutionary Theory in the Nineteenth-Century Black Church,2009年2月, National Association of African American Studies, 巴吞鲁日, 路易斯安那州

椅子, “Diasporic Networks” Session, 2008年10月, American Studies Association Annual Meeting, 阿尔伯克基, 新墨西哥

“‘Too Light to Lead’: Daniel Coker and Racial Liminality in the Early African Methodist Episcopal Church,2008年3月, Biennial Boston College Conference on the History of 宗教 ‘Religious Identities,“波士顿, 麻萨诸塞州

“Should ‘African’ Remain in Our Title?: The Americanization of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, 1868-1884,2008年2月, National Association of African American Studies, 巴吞鲁日, 路易斯安那州

“Imagining the American West: Benjamin T. 坦纳 and the 政治 of Racial Destiny in the AME Church,2007年11月, American Academy of 宗教 Annual Meeting, 

“‘That Hardy 比赛 of Pioneers’: Constructions of 比赛 and Masculinity in AME Church Histories, 1865-1900,2005年11月, American Academy of 宗教 Annual Meeting, 费城, 宾西法尼亚

“Frances Ellen Watkins Harper and the Racial Dimensions of Motherhood,2004年3月, American Academy of 宗教/Western Region, 惠蒂尔, 加州

“本杰明T. 坦纳 and the Creation of the AME Church 新闻paper the Child’s 
Recorder, 1868-1884,” November 2002, 
American Academy of 宗教 Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada

“Around the Domestic Altar: Nineteenth-Century African-American Family Religious Life, 1865-1890,2000年3月, American Academy of 宗教 Southeastern Regional Meeting, 亚特兰大, 乔治亚州

“Sculpting the Future: Nineteenth-Century African Methodist Episcopal Church Histories,2000年3月, 
Indiana Association of Historians Twentieth Annual Meeting, New Harmony, Indiana

“The Problem of ‘We’: Pedagogical strategies for the Multicultural Classroom,” 
April 1999, 3rd Annual Celebration of Teaching Conference, 教堂山分校, 北卡罗莱纳

“宗教 and the Moral Dilemma in the Slave/Master Relationship,1999年3月, 10th Annual Conference on African-American Culture & 的经验, 

“宗教 and 比赛 in America: A Response to Michael Eric Dyson,1998年4月, 五十周年研讨会, 宗教 and Society in the 21st Century: A View From The Public University, 教堂山分校, 北卡罗莱纳


University of 北卡罗莱纳 Academy of Distinguished Teaching Scholars
American Academy of 宗教
American Historical Association
American Philosophical Association
American Society of 教会历史
Organization of American Historians
American Studies Association
National Association of African American Studies

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